7) TCP / IP network


v TCP/IP Network Model
     The TCP/IP network model is a 4 layered model that describes how different protocols interoperate. In order to send data from one host to another.

    §  Application Layer
     Each application has specification for communications for so that clients and servers may communicate across platforms.

    §  Transport Layer
    Transport protocols are TCP and UDP is a reliable connection-oriented protocol whereas UDP is unreliable connection less protocol.

    §  Internet Layer
    The Internet or Network layer carrier data from source host to destination host.

    §  Access (Link) Layer
    The link or media access layer provides the connection to physical media.

v Socket
     The combination of the service port and IP address from a socket.

v Ports and Services
TCP service use sockets as end points for communication and are made up of an IP address, protocol, and port number. Service typically listed on standard ports while clients use a random port available port number.

There are total 65536 port numbers and range is 0 to 65535.
v It sends & echo massage (-c4)
    §  For IPv4
#        ping ɸ –c ɸ 4 ɸ

    §  For IPv6
#        ping6 ɸ –c ɸ 4 ɸ 2001:db8:0:1:1
v LAN interface
    §  To show IP address
#        ifconfig
#        ip ɸ addr ɸ show ɸ ens3              (ens3 = interface name)

    §  To enable interface
#        ifup ɸ ens3

    §  To disable interface
#        ifdown ɸ ens3
