1) Computer Hardware

  • Components required to assemble a PC: 
  1. Budget
  2. Motherboard
  3. Processor
  4. Memory (RAM)
  5. Power supply
  6. Floppy drive
  7. Hard disk
  8. CD-ROM, CD-RW, or DVD-ROM drive
  9. Keyboard
  10. Mouse
  11. Video card
  12. Monitor (display)
  13. Sound card
  14. Speakers
  15. Modem
  16. Motherboard
  • Budget/Case/Chassis
     The case is the frame or chassis that houses the motherboard, power supply, disk drives, adapter cards, and any other physical components in the system.
Image result for Budget/Case/Chassis"
  • Motherboard
     The motherboard is the core of the system. It really is the PC; everything else is connected to it, and it controls everything in the system.
Image result for motherboard"
  • Processor
     The processor is often thought of as the "engine" of the computer. It's also called the CPU (central processing unit).
Image result for Processor"
  • Memory (RAM) 
     The system memory is often called RAM (for random access memory). This is the primary memory, which holds all the programs and data the processor is using at a given time.
Image result for Memory (RAM)"
  •  Switch Mode Power supply(SMPS) 
     It is a device that converts high voltage AC into low voltage DC. The power supply sends electrical power to every single part in the PC. Power rating – 250 watts →650 watts (450 watts).
Image result for Switch Mode Power supply(SMPS)"
  • Floppy drive
     The floppy drive is a simple, inexpensive, low-capacity, removable-media, magnetic storage device.
Image result for Floppy drive"
  • Hard drive
      The hard disk is the primary archival storage memory for the system.
Image result for Hard drive"
     CD-ROM (compact disc read-only) and DVD-ROM (digital versatile disc read-only) drives are relatively high-capacity, removable media, and optical drives.
Image result for CD-ROM/DVD-ROM"
  • Keyboard
      The keyboard is the primary device on a PC that is used by a human to communicate with and control a system.
Image result for Keyboard"
  • Mouse
     Although many types of pointing devices are on the market today, the first and most popular device for this purpose is the mouse.
Image result for Mouse"
  • Video card
     The video card controls the information you see on the monitor.
Image result for Video card for computer"
  • Monitor
    Monitor is a display of computer.
Image result for Monitor"
  • Sound card
     It enables the PC to generate complex sounds.
Image result for Sound card"
  • Modem
     Most prebuilt PCs ship with a modem (generally an internal modem).
Image result for Modem"
  • Tools required for PC
  • Screwdrivers and nut drivers
     You should have, at a minimum, small- and medium-sized Phillips and flat screwdrivers and a 1/4 nut driver. A precision screwdriver set should have all the screwdrivers you'll need.
Image result for Screwdrivers and nut drivers"
  • Needle-Nosed Pliers or Forceps
      Very small needle-nosed pliers, forceps, or tweezers are very handy for removing and inserting jumpers on motherboards and hard drives.
Image result for Needle-Nosed Pliers or Forceps"
  • Cable Ties
      Plastic cable ties are useful for neatly bundling wires and cables away from fans and other components inside the computer.
Image result for Cable Ties"
  • Anti-Static Kit
    An anti-static kit consists of a rubberized mat and a wrist strap that attaches to both the mat and the computer or electronic device you're working on. This both protects the equipment from static damage and protects your tabletop from scratches.
Image result for Anti-Static Kit"
  • Heat Sink Compound
    Heat sink compound improves the thermal efficiency of heat sinks and improves cooling. It's sometimes included with processor fans or heat sinks, but may also be purchased separately. It is applied neatly to the area where the processor contacts the heat sink to improve cooling efficiency. (Some heat sinks have the compound "built-in" behind a little peel-off label.) I like Arctic MX-4 or other silver-based thermal compounds.
Image result for Heat Sink Compound"
  • Canned Air or Canless Air Duster
    Canned air or a canless air duster air is used to blow dust out of the nooks and crannies of your computer. Never blow into a computer with your lips to remove dust. Your breath contains too much moisture (and maybe other things depending on what you ate for dinner). Also, never use a household vacuum cleaner nozzle to clean inside a computer. They generate way too much static.
Image result for Canned Air or Canless Air Duster"
  • Pill Bottle or a Small Container
     You'll need a pill bottle or other small container to hold the various screws, jumpers, and other small parts used to assemble and configure a homebuilt computer.
Image result for Pill Bottle or a Small Container"
