9) Active Directory

Active Directory
  • Active Directory
     Active Directory (AD) is a Microsoft technology used to manage computers and other devices on a network. It is a primary feature of Windows Server, an operating system that runs both local and Internet-based servers.

Active Directory provides several different services: 
1) Domain Services
    Stores centralized data and manages communication between users and domains; includes login authentication and search functionality.
2) Certificate Services
      It generates, manages and shares certificates. A certificate uses encryption to enable a user to exchange information over the internet securely with a public key. 

3) Lightweight Directory Services
     Supports directory-enabled applications using the open (LDAP) protocol. Like any Linux computers in your network. 

4) Directory Federation Services
     Provides single-sign-on (SSO) to authenticate a user in multiple web applications in a single session.

5) Rights Management
 It controls information rights and management. AD RMS encrypts content, such as email or Word documents, on a server to limit access.

  • ADDS configuration steps:
1) Get IP Address assigned manually
Image result for manual ip assign

2) Then open the server manager and click on Add roles and Features

Image result for server manager and click on Add roles and features

Image result for server manager and click on Add roles and features

2) Click Next ........  Next ........  Next

Image result for adds in server

3)   check in ☑ Active Directory Domain Service

4)     click Next ........ Next ........ Next

Image result for after restart add adds in server
 5)    check in ☑   Restart the destination server automatically if required 

6)     Install

Image result for after restart add adds in server

7)    click on Promote this server to a domain controller. 

Image result for promote add adds in server

 8)    Add a new forest 

 9)    Get Root domain name

Image result for add forest in adds in server

10)   click Next

Image result for add forest password in adds in server

10) get Password

11)  click Next ......... Next ......... Next ......... Next ......... Next


12)  Install


13) After the installation system will restart automatically. Once it comes back log in to the server as domain admin.
