7) DAS, NAS & SAN Storage


  • Directly Attached Storage (DAS)
     DAS is a block storage device disk which is a directly attached to the computer. For example, HOD, ODD, CD, DVD and Flash drive. A number of cables can be used to connect DAS units, such as SAS, SATA, IDE and SCSI. A DAS is designed to be used only by a single computer.
Image result for Directly Attached Storage (DAS)

  1. Its have high-performance. 
  2. Simpler to setup and easy to configure.
  3. Lower-cost setup.
  1. It cannot be managed over a network. 
  • Network Attached Storage (NAS)
     NAS is a file system storage device disk over the network. It is a special purpose device. It comprises hard disks, as well as management software. In NAS, we can file sharing on a network with other computers and provide access to your file-system to other computers. Multiple user logins can also be created to provide various levels of access. Normally NAS operates on IP/TCP Ethernet networks and most can easily provide access to your data over the Internet.
Image result for Network Attached Storage (NAS) in computer network
  1. Easy setup and configuration compared to SAN.
  2. Maximum storage resources utilization and the easy-to-provide RAID redundancy to a large number of users.
  1. Include latency issues due to network issues.
           NAS work on CIFS, SMB, and NFS protocols.
       NFS is the “Network File System” specifically used for Unix and Linux operating systems. It allows files communication transparently between servers and end users machines like desktops & laptops. NFS uses client- server methodology to allow user to view read and write files on a computer system. A user can mount all or a portion of a file system via NFS.

       CIFS is abbreviation for “Common Internet File System” used by Windows operating systems for file sharing. CIFS also uses the client-server methodology where A client makes a request of a server program for accessing a file .The server takes the requested action and returns a response. CIFS is a open standard version of the Server Message Block Protocol (SMB) developed and used by Microsoft and it uses the TCP/IP protocol.

        SMB stands for “Server Message Block.” It’s a file sharing protocol that was invented by IBM. The SMB protocol was designed to allow computers to read and write files to a remote host over a local area network (LAN). The directories on the remote hosts made available via SMB are called “shares.”

  • Storage Area Networks (SAN)
     SAN stand for Storage Area Network. SAN is a block storage device. SAN used in large size businesses. SANs require an infrastructure consisting of SAN switches, disk controllers, HBAs (host bus adapters) and fiber cables. SAN offers complete reliability and 24/7 availability of data. SAN is limited to the enterprise sector since a huge investment is required for its design, development, and deployment.
Image result for san in computer network

     Its ability to transfer large data blocks.
